Kyle Brieden via Ale
2018-04-06 17:19:07 UTC
Hey all,
I'm looking to redo my hypervisor at home, and having some trouble
landing on a decision, so I'd like some input from y'all. Something
just tells me there's gotta be some strong opinions on this floating
around this list.
Current HVZ is Xen 4.4.2, with Dom0 being Ubuntu 14.04 because, at the
time back in 2015, that was the LTS that had the most up to date Xen
packages. I do most everything via CLI, from creating config files to
setting up LVM volumes for backing each machine. VM system storage is
local to the hypervisor, and larger storage is NFS exported to VMs from
my FreeNAS box.
I am kind of tired of doing everything via CLI. I'm getting lazier
these days, so I want something that has a usable, understandable GUI.
I was considering ProxMox for it's additional container management, but
they're LXC containers. I've nothing against LXC containers, but I use
docker daily, and it doesn't behoove me to learn a second technology
just for at home, especially when Docker has the momentum and community
that it has.
I also want something that I can keep up to date without having to do a
fresh install with a new major version. Insert jokes about Arch Linux
rolling release model here.
Thanks for the opinions, everyone!
Very respectfully,
Kyle Brieden
I'm looking to redo my hypervisor at home, and having some trouble
landing on a decision, so I'd like some input from y'all. Something
just tells me there's gotta be some strong opinions on this floating
around this list.
Current HVZ is Xen 4.4.2, with Dom0 being Ubuntu 14.04 because, at the
time back in 2015, that was the LTS that had the most up to date Xen
packages. I do most everything via CLI, from creating config files to
setting up LVM volumes for backing each machine. VM system storage is
local to the hypervisor, and larger storage is NFS exported to VMs from
my FreeNAS box.
I am kind of tired of doing everything via CLI. I'm getting lazier
these days, so I want something that has a usable, understandable GUI.
I was considering ProxMox for it's additional container management, but
they're LXC containers. I've nothing against LXC containers, but I use
docker daily, and it doesn't behoove me to learn a second technology
just for at home, especially when Docker has the momentum and community
that it has.
I also want something that I can keep up to date without having to do a
fresh install with a new major version. Insert jokes about Arch Linux
rolling release model here.
Thanks for the opinions, everyone!
Very respectfully,
Kyle Brieden